ANM is an American organization that handles our finances and holds us accountable.
With so many competing choices, many donors look for aid in helping to make their giving decisions. One of those aids, increasingly popular with donors, is a third party endorsement or “seal of approval”.
Of the 50,000 + charities that participate in the Federal Government’s Combined Federal Campaign, only about 1500 – the members of Independent Charities of America (ICA) and Local Independent Charities of America (LICA) – have been selected to display this “Best In America” seal of approval. ANM is pleased to be one of those chosen few.
The “Best In America” seal was inspired by the recent comparative review of “watchdog” groups by the National Council of Nonprofit Associations. ICA and LICA are acknowledged as the most rigorous in the application of government standards to member eligibility review, in conjunction with their own additional tests. ANM has documented that it meets those standards and tests.
Advancing Native Missions is a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). We purpose to be open and transparent before both God and man in the stewardship of gifts entrusted to us. Each year, ANM obtains an independent audit by a certified public accounting firm.
Each group supported through ANM is researched and verified, and its financial methods validated. Regular assurances are made that all gifts given are being used appropriately to advance the Gospel of Christ among those whom they seek to reach. ANM makes every effort to minimize unnecessary administrative costs associated with each gift. The standard administrative portion of all gifts is 10%. That means that we are seeing 90% of the funds donated going to our overseas brethren.
ANM consistently receives the highest ratings from national watchdog organizations who evaluate non-profit groups – such as Charity Navigators, Wallwatchers, and Guidestar.