Farzana* first came to our medical clinic when her child was suffering from a high-grade fever. Our staff immediately checked him and gave him the required medication.

The next day she returned again as Farzana came again with her child who was still suffering from the fever. After our doctor prescribed a blood test, he found he had dengue fever. 

Dengue fever is very common during the monsoon season as there are a lot of mosquitos in these months. Most villagers sleep outside in the open air due to the humidity and extreme heat, up to 122 degrees. As a result, a lot of patients come with insect bites along with malaria and dengue. 

Our doctor gave Farzana the required medication, and within a week the child was feeling much better.

Farzana was very thankful to RAM and World Compassion Fellowship for providing her family the best medical care possible.

This is just one patient story out of the thousands that we have served.

By offering local, high-quality, low-cost medical care, people are able to access the care they need quickly. As a result, both lives and livelihoods are saved.

Would you consider partnering with us in this work? To donate, please click here.

*Name changed for security purposes.


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